By James Saunders
Canadian School Library Market Analysis
After many years in the business and hundreds of visits with school librarians across the country, three tenants (the importance of central staff, time and budgets) of an effective and healthy school library market have become evident to the author, who is a major vendor in the Canadian school library learning commons market. The tenants are not new concepts and neither is the idea of having a champion for the learning commons. However, it is the interaction of three elements taken together that makes for a great school library program system wide. As schools make the transition to learning commons with a properly resourced space, the role of library personnel takes on even more importance to nurture the concept into an effective environment for students and teachers. The school library market has shrunk. Over the past 10 years, average order size has decreased on a school by school basis by 30%. The number of locations actively buying books through an organized buying system has decreased also by 30%. Promises of technology purchasing, including eBooks, to make up the difference have not materialized as budgets have not kept pace with needs. It is evident that the market is not shifting to digital resources as many in the public might believe. While none of the facts are shocking, it is important to examine why this is happening. Only after we see the why can we determine the way forward to create effective and well-resourced school libraries and learning commons to benefit current and future generations of students.
James Saunders is involved in supporting and promoting school library across Canada through work with the Ontario Library Association, hosting and organizing displays for many school boards and articles written for trade journals. James is a Director on the board of the Educational Library Booksellers of Ontario, the Community Service Director of the Rotary Club of Collingwood, Community Christmas Cheer Operations Coordinator, Past President Collingwood Community tennis club, Director on the board of Elephant Thoughts provider of science education to aboriginal schools in Canada and a dance Dad supporting his three daughters in all of their endeavours.