By Cresencia Fong
Middle and Secondary School Teachers’ and Students’ Journey of Constructivist Knowledge Building with Knowledge Forum
Fong describes a Toronto District School Board/ Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) “Information Communication Technologies (ICT)/Knowledge Building Culminating Activity (KBCA)” project she has facilitated. The project focused on incorporating new constructivist pedagogy into teaching practice involving teacher-librarians and grades 6-12 students collaboratively building knowledge in an online environment. Project, methods, conclusions, teacher and student reflections are included.
Cresencia Fong taught primary and junior students in the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), before going to the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) to complete a master’s degree in Educational Computer Applications. Research from her master’s work has been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at academic conferences in Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia. Eager to work with students once more, Cresencia returned to the TDSB – this time teaching intermediate students in a large, inner-city middle school. She eventually became an Instructional Leader, and supported TDSB teachers in the curricular integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and e-Learning. Cresencia’s passion for constructivist integration and design of educational technology for K-12 education has recently led her back to OISE/UT where she is presently pursuing a doctorate in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development, as well as Knowledge Media Design.