by Moira Ekdahl
The Points About Inquiry, and There are Many
Ekdahl shares background to the creation of the British Columbia Teacher-Librarian Association (BCTLA) resource “Points of Inquiry”, discussing the challenges of content, scope and sequence, vs. information literacy in educational requirements and the roots of information literacy growth in BC schools. She includes challenges incurred with curricular infusion of information literacy both in schools and on the BCTLA Information Literacy Task Force, ultimately leading to a model for a K-12 inquiry approach.
Moira Ekdahl, Liaison Chair, BC Teacher-Librarians’ Association
Before becoming the Teacher-Librarian Consultant for the Vancouver School District in 2007, Moira Ekdahl was a classroom teacher of English, Social Studies and Geography and then Department Head, Resource Services, at Gladstone Secondary School. She has an MA, Social and Educational Studies, and her TL diploma from UBC. Presently she has responsibilities for TL professional development and school library program development in 109 schools in a busy and diverse urban environment.