By Monica Berra & Leona Prince
Why Taking your Seat at the Fire?
This paper presents background on the BC ERAC website, designed and dedicated to “Resources for Integrating Aboriginal Ways of Knowing and Learning”.
The site, part of the resource consortium for BC school districts, is organized under the four elements – air, earth, fire, water. The author shares personal reflections on growing and learning in Aboriginal ways to support Aboriginal education with a key understanding being to engage in collaboration and learning alongside others.

Monica Berra is SD57 Prince George BC District Vice Principal Learning Innovations – Learning Commons. Her work with Leona and the Aboriginal Education Department has provided her the opportunity to grow and learn in support of Aboriginal Education. She was on the BC ERAC Professional Learning Team for two years and last year presented with Leona on both digital resources and culturally responsive resources to districts in BC.
Leona Prince works for SD91 Nechako Lakes District as the District Principal of Aboriginal Education. She is a member of the Lake Babine Nation and the Likh Tsa Mis Yu (Beaver) Clan. She is also the Aboriginal Team Lead for the Professional Learning Team for BC ERAC and a member of the Aboriginal Leadership Advisory Committee for the BC Principals and Vice Principals Association. Over the past two years, she has been presenting with Monica Berra on Culturally Responsive Resources built from their work together and collaborating on projects within her previous roles within SD57.