By Dr. David V. Loertscher
Coteaching Revisited: The Replication Study
This article is a report of the second study conducted by Dr. Loertscher into the effects on student achievement when teachers and teacher-librarians engage in teaching partnerships. Simply expressed by Loertscher, “If a classroom teacher teaches a unit of instruction alone in the classroom, one can foresee about half of the students to meet or exceed the teacher’s expectations. However, if the classroom teacher coteaches a unit of instruction alongside the teacher librarian, 70–100% of the students can be anticipated to meet or exceed both adults’ expectations. In research language, the practical significance of coteaching far surpasses what a single adult teaching a typical classroom can achieve.” Previously published in Teacher Librarian.

David V. Loertscher has degrees from the University of Utah, the University of Washington and a Ph.D. from Indiana University. He has been a school library media specialist in Nevada and Idaho at both the elementary and secondary school levels. He has taught at Purdue University, The University of Arkansas, The University of Oklahoma, and is presently a professor at the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University. He served as head of the editorial department at Libraries Unlimited for ten years and is President of Hi Willow Research & Publishing (distributed by LMC Source at www.lmcsource.com). He has been a president of the American Association of School Librarians.