Ignite a Lifelong Love of Learning: Create an intergenerational book club in your library learning commons and invite your community to explore the diverse world of the human experience

Lisa Lewis

By Lisa Lewis

Ignite a Lifelong Love of Learning: Create an intergenerational book club in your library learning commons and invite your community to explore the diverse world of the human experience


This paper documents the experiences of running an intergenerational book club in the school library learning commons. Goals, strategies, process and lessons learned are shared in detail as well as helpful artifacts. Teacher-librarian Lisa Lewis concludes, “The book club has the ability to anchor a community and reinforce the ability of the LLC to be the hub of the school and community especially in schools that might be in locations that have limited social infrastructure and resources.”


Lisa Lewis

Lisa Lewis is an avid global explorer with an overactive curiosity that fuels her constant thirst for knowledge and experiences. Since 2008, she has taught at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) in French Immersion and English track programs using an inquiry lens and cross curricular approach. Lisa has been involved with the OLA’s Forest of Reading program since 2011 as Co-Chair of the Silver Birch Fiction Steering Committee and champions an infectious love of books. Lisa is a Digital Lead Learner at school and incessantly ponders how to integrate technology into her practice. She has presented at the TDSB’s Google Camp and the OLA Super Conference. Lisa is always thinking of initiatives to engage her community and the intergenerational book club she launched as a teacher librarian in an elementary school has been a huge success.