By Jennifer Brown
Reflections in the Library Learning Commons: Collaboration
Author focus – Thinking about the theme of TMC6, Participatory Learning in the LLC, I found myself full of ideas but struggling to narrow my focus. At the same time, I was working with our entire school community to explore a variety of new tools and resources in our library learning commons including a giant floor size map, podcasting equipment and various methods of pedagogical documentation. I ultimately realized that collaboration was the big idea that connected all of this work and since developing a climate of collaboration is essential for truly authentic participatory learning I had found my focus. Using an action research approach I began to map out my own understanding of collaboration in my library learning commons practice. Looking back at my first experience as a teacher librarian almost 10 years ago I ventured to document and share how collaborative learning opportunities impact student learning and educator practice. Initially, I planned to write a paper for this submission, but as I sketched out my thinking and revisited supporting research I realized that I needed to explore alternative methods of sharing my learning. My intention is to continue to maintain and update the Google Site, Reflections from the LLC, with new podcasts, resources and documentation slides.

Jennifer Brown is a teacher librarian in the Peel District School Board in Brampton, Ontario. In her current role at a K to 8 dual track school, she has the tremendous privilege of co-constructing the vision for the library learning commons with students, staff & community members. Jennifer has demonstrated a passion for & interest in social justice & equity in education throughout her more than 20 year career. Her work as a teacher librarian reflects this dedication to equity, inclusion and student empowerment. Grounded in the vision set forth in OSLA’s Together For Learning, Jenn strives to create a library learning commons based on student voice, trust and believing in children to guide their learning. As a Librarianship Specialist, she actively engages in the ongoing study & implementation of innovative pedagogical practices in the school library learning commons to support & mentor fellow educators & foster student success. Jennifer is the 2019 OSLA President, a contributor to both The Teaching Librarian Magazine & Open Shelf the OLA online magazine, as well as a steering committee member for the Peel Elementary Teacher Librarian Association. Through the incredible school library community, Jennifer has had opportunities to speak at OLA Super Conference, Quebec School Librarians Network Symposium, Quebec Library Association Annual Conference, ETFO Summer Academy, York University AQ Librarianship Combined Parts 1/2/Specialist, MakeChange Toronto Conference and MakerEd Toronto Conference as well as participate in various podcasts, events and review committees. Feel free to connect with her and learn more via Twitter @JennMacBrown