By Leigh Cassell
Wise Practices and Intercultural Understandings: A Framework for Educator Videoconferencing
Educators utilize videoconferencing services for a variety of purposes in their classrooms, including offering a means to connect and learn with people of different cultures, geographies, and experiences. However, there has been little research into how educators use videoconferencing in their classrooms. Drawing on technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and intercultural pedagogies, we report and analyze findings from a survey of 117 videoconferencing educators. These educators reported possibilities and challenges for using videoconferencing, particularly for intercultural experiences. We offer a framework for videoconferencing in education drawn from the wisdom of videoconferencing educators and consider implications future teaching and research.
This paper was originally published in the Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Volume 51, Issue 4 (2019). DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15391523.2019.1652869

Leigh Cassell is an educator, adventurer, entrepreneur and partner in learning with teachers, students, businesses and NGOs around the world. Leigh is an Education and Innovation Consultant, and Founder and CEO at Digital Human Library. Driven by her passion to inspire in others a love of learning, Leigh’s work in education focuses on building relationships in ways that leverage digital technologies, develop global competencies, design new literacies, and prepare students to succeed as next generation learners. Leigh is an Apple Distinguished Educator, Microsoft Innovative Educator, Google Certified Educator, SMART Certified Interactive Teacher, and a Founding Partner of Live Learning Canada.