By Jo-Anne Gibson
Facilitating Reconciliation through the Library Learning Commons
“To become instructional leaders focusing on reconciliation, it stands to reason that a teacher-librarian’s journey has to begin with their own learning about Canadian history and Indigenous culture from an Indigenous perspective.” Jo-Anne Gibson inspires a call to action by re-counting her own professional and personal knowledge building journey. By investing in building deep understanding of the issues then professionals are better prepared to design inclusive learning environments and programs. Gibson relates how teacher-librarians can turn to Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons for guidance and exemplars. Gibson generously shares how the standards have helped her school learning community move forward as a Culturally Relevant and Responsive School Library Learning Commons.
Jo-Anne Gibson is a teacher-librarian at Fort Richmond Collegiate in the Pembina Trails School Division in Winnipeg. She is currently the past president of the Manitoba School Library Association and is the Communications Director for Canadian School Libraries. Jo-Anne was presented with the Angela Thacker Memorial Award in 2013 and the Manitoba Teacher-Librarian of the Year award in 2009. She earned a Master of Education degree from the U. of Manitoba and a Diploma in Teacher-Librarianship from the U. of Alberta. Jo-Anne is in demand throughout the province as a speaker on a wide range of topics specifically pertinent to school libraries and teachers in the 21st century.