By Monica Berra & Leona Prince
Focusing on Maker Education in SD57
(First published in TM Ohio 2015 Papers)
Discover how this poster shared at TMC3 Victoria B.C. inspired an entire school district.
Monica Berra is the District Vice Principal Learning Innovations-Learning Commons in Prince George, BC. Her journey in maker education has been a path of collaborations in possibility thinking. At Treasure Mountain 2014 the UTec Maker Model was shared by David Loertscher and brought home and implemented to guide the districts vision of maker education. The emerging makerspaces in SD57 learning commons are encouraging curiosity, exploring, and creating to support personal learning. Her journey with the Aboriginal Education Department has been influential to her practice and her work is recognized as a significant contribution towards the understanding of Aboriginal ways of knowing and being. Monica is also currently one of three provincial members on the BC ERAC Professional Learning Team supporting the BC digital classroom.
Leona Prince is the Vice Principal of Nusdeh Yoh, the Aboriginal Choice School in Prince George, BC. In her previous role as the District Resource Teacher, in the Aboriginal Education Department, Leona’s passion for culturally responsive resources lead her through the door of the District Learning Commons. Currently, her work involves supporting innovation initiatives in School District No. 57 and supporting the province in her role as an evaluator for Aboriginal resources for BC ERAC.